Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Research of Exisiting Products (kerrang Issue 1338) Contents page

Colour Scheme:  I have noticed the colour scheme on the top half of the page compared to the bottom half is different throughout all the contents pages I have already annalysed. The top half of the contents where the images nornally are tends to be dark which conveys a sense of mystery about the featured band or person. The bottom half where the text sits and where most of the advertising takes place is bright and welcoming for obvious reasons.

Photography:   As expected there is a fair amount of images on the contents which indicates the featured subjects and bands within the magazine. The images are mainly of a posed style which connects with the audience asif looking them straight in the eye drawing in their attention.

Writing Style:  As mentioned on many occasions the writing style on the contents page is very blunt and basic which all the same relates to the younger target audience.

Overall Look:  The overall look of the contents is welcoming and very busy which will reflect on the contents of the magazine it'self. I think the amount of images and text works well together and it's not a very overpowering contents.

Text/picture ratio:  As just mentioned above I think the balance of the images and text works really well togther because there is neither no little of one or more of another, they both balance eachother out and the contents is not over powered and doesn't look to cluttered.

Publisher: Beaur Music are responsible for publishing Kerrang as equally responsible for publishing Mojo,Empire and Q along many other magazine's in various media categorys. There strategy is to connect with audiences with excellent content through their broad multi-touch point brand platforms, wherever and whenever and however thay want. They have a huge advantage over pure play magazine or radio competitors due to the wide portfolio or influential brands. So in terms of a certain target audience, there is none they range in terms of the magazine or radio show they are trying to sell

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