Colour Scheme: The colour scheme of this DPS is fairly dark in comparison to the brightness of the rest of the magazine I have annalsyed. I personally think the colour scheme of this perticular article/ page is trying to represent a sense of seriouness and depth to the content of the article without reading the article it'self. The red mist which features on the page adds a uncertain mood upon the page which leads the audience to want to read the article about the featured band.Photography: I like the way the images were taken in Black and White as I belive this conveys a deeper sense of mystery and meaning about the photographs and the article it'self. The photographs are all close up's of the band which gives the audience a sense of getting a closer insight to the band. Also I noticed the images are all live and not of a posed setting which enlightens the audience into a sense of truth about the band and a insight in to exactly what occurs behind the scenes.
Writing Style: In terms of the writing style of the DPS it's fairly wordy by this I mean their is a fair amount of writing. The words coming from the writer of the article and members of the band are quite deep and hold a influence of emotion. The emotion of the article could almost remind the audience the boys of MCR are still human and things go wrong for them too and they still have dreams they want to convey just as the audience reading do.
Overall Look: I really like the overall look of the DPS I believe it connects with the audience really well and considering the dark colours the DPS still remains very eye catching and entails intresting resception.
Text/picture ratio: The ratio of images and text I think is fairly of the same balance which works well as there isn't too much of one and too little of another.
Publisher: Beaur Music are responsible for publishing Kerrang as equally responsible for publishing Mojo,Empire and Q along many other magazine's in various media categorys. There strategy is to connect with audiences with excellent content through their broad multi-touch point brand platforms, wherever and whenever and however thay want. They have a huge advantage over pure play magazine or radio competitors due to the wide portfolio or influential brands. So in terms of a certain target audience, there is none they range in terms of the magazine or radio show they are trying to sell
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